Monday, February 22, 2016

DIY leggings (free pattern)

Oh my goodness. I have been searching all day for the perfect pattern for leggings. I have this Lycra fabric that mum gave me and I have been putting it off for a while to think of what to make. So finally today I decided I am going to go on an internet hunt for a FREE pattern. And here it is annaevers legging pattern Will put picks up of my leggings when it is finished.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I am absolutely terrified of spiders, but somehow I always find myself taking photos of abandoned spiderwebs. This was taken on a little morning walk about with my little boys.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Western Springs

We dropped daddy off to work on Saturday morning. The weather wasn't that great since it was raining all of the night before. But I thought what the heck let's just go to the playground even if it is going to be wet. The boys had so much fun. So happy we went despite the weather. #westernsprings Got to love Auckland New Zealand weather!
